How to Disable Instant Upload on Google+ Iphone App?

Instant upload is a convenient feature in Google+ iphone app which when enabled automatically uploads photos and videos from your phone to your private album on google+.

The goal is never loose another photo or video. This feature has many great advantages especially when your phone gets stolen or you left the phone in a far away place but need that photo or video, etc.. These photos and videos are never shared with anyone (unless you share later) since these are uploaded to your private album photos from instant upload.

However there are users who prefer not to instantly upload pictures and videos. We have received huge requests about how to disable instant upload so that i doesn’t automatically upload any media.

Here are the step by step instructions with screenshots to help explain how to disable this instant upload feature on your iphone app.

Disable instant upload while installing Google+ app

Disable instant upload through settings (after installing the Google+ app)

Hope this guide helps to customize instant upload feature on your google+ iphone app. When used right this is a great feature that synchronizes and backsup your precious moments to your private and secure google+ phone album. You may decide later to share those photos or videos with your circles or keep it always private, it’s up to you.

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