Twinkle and Snow: Two New Auto Awesome Google+ Photo Updates Released

It is holiday season and Google+ is celebrating by releasing two cool new auto awesome photo features called Twinkle and Snow.

Twinkle Animated GIF’s

Google+ Photo with Twinkle Auto Awesome Feature Applied [Images: Erik Murphy/Google+]


When you Upload a photo of your christmas tree light decoration or any picture that has some colorful festive lights on it, Google+ Auto Awesome will converting into animated GIF’s with lights that twinkle / blink.

Snow Animated GIF’s

Google+ Photo with Snow Auto Awesome Feature Applied [Images: Erik Murphy/Google+]


When you Upload a photo with snow on it, Google+ Auto Awesome will convert it into an animated snow fall, Cool huh!

Processing this images takes time due to volume and also need to go through complicated algorithms. But you don’t have to wait. You’ll get a Google+ notification as soon as these photo’s are turned into animated GIF’s with twinkle and snow feature applied.

Erik Murphy of Google+ photo’s team has uploaded an album with sample of twinkle and snow animated Google+ photos here (same as images above).

Upload, Auto Awesome, Share and Celebrate the season. Enjoy!

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