Re-Sharing a Post With Your Circles on Google Plus Iphone App Update Released!

Last week google plus mobile team released a new feature re-sharing a post in google plus android app. But this great feature was missing on the google plus iphone mobile app.

Google plus mobile team didn’t forget iphone users. They were implementing and launching one at a time. Now they have announced that google plus re-sharing post on iphone is available as part of the new iphone google+ mobile app update.

Checkout and install the update of google plus iphone app from the appstore or install google plus app if you are doing it the first time. Please also read all the changes shipped with this new google plus iphone app update.

Once installed, resharing on iphone app is really easy. Simply tap on a post (like you would to +1 it). At the bottom near the comment box, you’ll see a small arrow. Click it and you’ll see the option to “Share this post”. Just choose your audience, add a comment if you like, and hit “Post”, that’s it. The post is shared right from your iphone, Awesome huh!!

This screen shows the options after pressing the small arrow

Share or Re-Share a post on google plus iphone app

Share or Re-Share a post on google plus iphone app

You’ll find the following screen once you hit share this post (This allows to type in a message, choose who you want to share with [ a person, a circle, etc])

Type in a message, Choose circle and re-share a post on google plus iphone app

Type in a message, Choose circle and re-share a post on google plus iphone app

[Images courtesy: Google+ post by Punit Soni of Google]

Besides re-sharing, the google plus iphone app includes the following updates

  • Set your profile picture
  • Improved Autocomplete in Huddle
  • Properly refresh notifications when returning to the iphone app
  • Create new circle from circles destination
  • Fixed 2-step verification issues

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