Google+ Iphone App Released and Available on App Store!!

Google+ was released 4 weeks ago in field trial mode and an android app was released immediately. Android smartphone users were the only lucky one’s enjoying Google+ from their mobiles.

Google Plus iPhone App

Google Plus iPhone App Released!!

iPhone is undoubtedly the second largest smartphone mobile platform out there. iPhone users were out of luck to use Google+ since there wasn’t a Google+ app for iPhone. However google was working on the iphone app as one of their top most priority for Google+ and submitted the app to apple’s app store for review and publishing.

Unfortunately, it took 2 full weeks for apple to review and approve the app and finally Google+ app for iPhone is approved & released on app store. We can command apple for processing approvals as per their queuing process but at the same time they should consider and give preference to these kind of mass volume apps (as higher priority) and approve quickly within a 4 – 12 hour timeframe. The app is from one of the most reputed companies in the world (Google) and they are well known for their quality of software. And most of all, millions of people waiting for this app, ready to download and install. Hope apple improves their approval process.

Here is the Google+ iPhone App on apple’s appstore or you can search for Google+ from your iPhone.

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