How to Keep Your Free G-Suite Legacy Edition Without Paying for Google Workspace?

Are you an earlier adopter / user of Google’s free g-suite legacy edition that was introduced in August 2006 and using Gmail with custom domain? At last there is good news.

Free g-suite legacy edition was previously known as Google Apps for Domain, then renamed as G-Suite followed by the new product name of Google Workspace.

You may recall earlier an email with information on how to upgrade your free legacy edition to a paid Google Workspace or lose access to your emails and other data.

Here is the good news. Google has finally decided to offer all free g-suite legacy edition users a free option that includes custom domain, mail and other features that you’re enjoying since its launch. Only thing you may need to note is, this product can be used only for personal use, and you may see some business features removed in the future.

Another important thing to note, Once you upgrade to Google Workspace Business Starter, you cannot downgrade back to G Suite legacy free edition and will immediately lose your legacy edition access. So make sure you double-check while following the guide below.

Google has also shared (refer screenshot below) they’ll automatically transition your free G-Suite legacy edition into a paid Google Workspace after June 27th 2022, so you may want to act quickly.

Steps to accept and continue G-Suite free legacy edition

Login into with your G-Suite administrator account

At the top of the screen you’ll see a block similar to below, click on LEARN MORE (This was taken after switching, it will be almost similar)

You’ll be prompted with the following screen

Personal Use: G-Suite no cost transition path

Choose Personal use option in the bottom to stay with no-cost legacy free edition of G Suite. You’ll be prompted with the following Review screen to confirm the following:

  • Continue using your custom domain with Gmail
  • Retain access to no-cost Google services
  • Keep your purchases and data
  • This option is for non-commercial personal use

Review of free no-cost legacy edition

Click on Confirm for personal use.

Now you’ll see the following block in the top of your dashboard to confirm everything went through successfully.

That’s all you have to do, and you’re all set. Now continue to enjoy no-cost and free G-Suite legacy edition with your own custom domain and drive features.

Last few months there was a lot of confusion that people using G-Suite will be forced to upgrade or lose access. Thanks to Google for doing the right thing.

Around 16 years ago, when Google Apps for Domain was launched, it was clearly advertised as FREE. One of the main distinguishing feature from freely available Gmail to G-Suite was the option of using custom domain names (since most common names are taken so that you can freely choose and pick any name to your email address that matches your personal preference).

Are you using free legacy edition of G-Suite? We love to hear from you, so please share your thoughts about this change through comments section.

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