What Is Google+ Creative Kit (With Video)? Add Halloween Effects Through the Halloween Limited Edition!!

Google+ creative kit is a quick and fun way to do creative edits to your photos within Google+ and the convenience of your browser (No softwares to download and install).
Cool huh? Absolutely. On top of that for a limited time, there is a Halloween limited edition where you can touch up your photos with your favorite halloween costumes.

Larry page halloween profile picture

Larry page halloween profile picture

Have you seen the recent +Larry Page Co-Founder and CEO’s profile picture (refer image), it is the magic of Google+ creative kit (previously known as piknik). Want to have similar fun with your profile picture or any of your photos?

How to use Google+ creative kit?

  • Login into Google+
  • Click on the Photo’s tab
  • Click on Your Albums in the left
  • Click on a Album on the right
  • It’ll show you the list of photos in that album
  • Click on a photo that you want to add some creative fun
  • In the bottom look for the Edit link and click on it
  • In the menu select Creative Kit
  • Creative Kit editor will load (Note there is nothing to install)
  • If you look at the left side, you’ll find all the options and features that you can add to your photos (They are all self explanatory)
  • On the top – left, you’ll find Halloween option (This is a limited edition, It might go away after halloween)
  • Click on the Halloween option
  • On the left side it’ll load all the halloween effects available grouped by categories (Vampire, Reanimated, Haunted, Costumes, Decorations) followed by effects (Vampire Eyes, Draculan Dermis, Fangs, etc…)
  • Click on a effect that you are interested. It’ll show all the detailed effects that you can apply under a particular effect
  • Double click or drag a particular item to your photo and place it wherever you want it (Drag a teeth near to your mouth, you get the idea!)
  • Once you are done with all your effects, click on the save button
  • It’ll provide you options to overwrite this photo or save it under a different name
  • Now you can go back to your profile and set it as your profile picture

Halloween photo fun contest

Got creative skills? Want to compete with others on Google+? Here is your chance.

Google is running a competition through the end of October 2011. Create your unique and fun creative photo using Google+ Creative Kit and share it with Public with hashtag #gplushalloween. On Nov 3rd 2011 a panel of surprising celebrities will announce their favorites.

A quick video about Google+ creative kit

Yet another fun and unique feature only available in Google+. Enjoy and have fun!!!


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  1. Rosi

    Taking Picnik away and migrating it over to Creative Kit is frustrating!  There are many bells and whistles that are NOT on Creative Kit.  Any idea on if they plan to complete the package when Picnik is officially closed in April.  Very sad to lose Picnik.  (Sad, frowny face)

  2. Brendan Colucci

    need to know where to buy a programme like picnik  Creative SUCKS  This really sucks.are there programmes that do what picnik do?

  3. janeen ellen

    Now that I have FINALLY found the Creative Kit….where are Pencil Sketch,  Panography-ish, Adjustable Threshold,  Posterize,  and most importantly CIRCLE SPLASH!   These are some of my most used sandbox effects on Picnik.

    Who gives a hoot about Gooify, Vampire Eyes, Fangs, or Wounds??? Dumb. Bring back the Sandbox effects.

     Why is that something like Picnik that is such an awesome program have to disappear????????

    I dont mind paying the $25 a year fee if it will bring back PICNIK…PLEASE.

  4. Bigwalleye1

    Picnik is oustanding and enjoyed by all.   I was so productive and had great fun with it!!  I feel like I’m being punished by having it close for good on April 19th. Why do that with such an excellent product!!!

  5. Amberadams

    This is so effin gay. No one can even find or buy creative kit.  Good job google. You had to buy them out.  Hopefully you lost money on this. Because we want picnik back. And you legit SUCK

  6. Misha Misha

    I seriously used Picnik for everything! I tried some photoshop thing, and I was able to do NOTHING with it 🙁  I don’t know how I’ll survive without Picnik…

  7. Tattoosnpiercingsrock4eva

    BRING PICNIK BACK!! im gonna die without it! i dunno how to use any other photoshop, picnik is so easy to use, most likely now i have to put a hold on my photography coz of u! FUCK YOU GOOGLE!!!!!!! 

  8. Perales Brianne

    Its pretty clear that everyone is having a really hard time even finding “creative kit”. That should be the 1st fix on the agenda. 2nd  I have to agree that this program is no where close to picknic. I hope that the closer we get to April the more features we will get back. I use this program for all my editing and this is really going to hurt me financially. I am willing to pay a fee yearly if we can all get our features back. Personally I agree with most of the users of Picknic…photoshop, lightroom, and other websites are not nearly as user friendly or even fun for that matter. I hope that Google raises their standards and steps up their game. This is a huge blow and let down to its photo editing fans.

  9. Glistening_star

    Very poor move getting rid of Picnik.  I refuse to switch to creative kit when Picnik was already a wonderful program.  Very disappointed.

  10. Wendy Yap

    Hey guys check out PicMonkey ! The guys of Picnik run it and it’s free. Same applications and they are also rolling out collages soon. Thank god. Bleh to this creative kit thing.

  11. richard

    Picnik is outstanding—Don’t let it go! I’m 76 and I know a great program when I use it. Picnik!
    Google folks—please use good judgement. Thank you.

  12. Dee Fago

    I do my photo artwork for rock stars through several sites but the two most popular effects I use are circle splash and lightning neither which are anywhere else.  I have found a circle splash but it blacks out the whole picture.  What good are the childish effects when people actually used it to enhance work.  Thanks google for the damage to my career when I’m in the streets cuz you couldn’t leave shit alone.

  13. Anne

    Losing Picnik is unbelievably disappointing. Why do I need a Google+ account to use this Google+ creative kit? If no further improvements were going to be added, what purpose does replacing an already successful  program have? If the new product is not accessible to its audience, why is it taking over another? I do not see myself using Google+ creative kit in the future. I would appreciate it if Picnik remained active.

  14. AnthonyNguyenER

    Really Google, REALLY??!! 

    Making things really complicated by not having any 
    collage style photo’s editor.
    I demand to have PICNIK back or 
    just place the collage style to where it’s easy, and
    simple to be identified.

    Going though a maze of your so called “Creative-Kit”, geez-us!! 

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