Britney Spears Is the Most Popular Person on Google+ (Clinched #1 Spot From Larry Page)!

Few weeks back we reported about Mark Zuckerberg losing the most popular person on Google+ (by followers) to Larry Page. And we also reported that Britney Spears has joined Google+ and her followers is growing real fast.

We didn’t expect that her followers will grow so fast in such a short span of time. Now it’s time for Larry Page to relinquish most popular title to Britney Spears. Yes, you read it right. Britney spears became the most popular person on Google+ and took the #1 spot. She also clinched the #1 spot the the fastest in Google+.

Britney spears #1 most popular person on Google+

Britney spears #1 most popular person on Google+

Here is the latest top 5 most popular persons (by followers) on Google+

#1 Britney Spears – 841069 followers

#2 Larry Page – 798417 f0llowers

#3 Snoop Dogg – 708071 followers

#4 Mark Zuckerberg – 612830 followers

#5 Tyra Banks – 594606 followers

Congrats to Britney but watch out Snoop is on the rise. This is a great proof that celebrity club is growing on Google+ and hope to see more.

In Google+ it is more than just following. Most of the celebrities use Google+ hangouts to get in touch with their fan base through web cam. Checkout and keep watching your favorite celebrity profiles to know more about their hangout events.

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