Larry Page Clinches Most Popular or Followers Spot on Google+ From Mark Zuckerburg!

Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of facebook had a verified profile on Google+ right from the beginning and was holding the #1 most followed person on Google+ for a very long time. But that is all about to change.

We didn’t find any posts, photos, videos or buzz shared by him on his profile. Basically there was no activity on his Google+ account except for a few profile changes. His profile was turned into a verified profile, block showing who mark was following was changed to hidden and Send an email button turned off.

May be the reason since he was not actively using his Google+ account, followers started to drop him or no new followers didn’t bother to add him to their circles. But on the other end, Google’s co-founder and CEO, Larry Page became active on Google+ and started to gain followers.

As of this writing

Mark Zuckerberg has 603625 followers


Larry Page has 645231 followers.

With 645231 followers, Larry Page gained the #1 most popular person spot on Google+ pushing Mark Zuckerberg to the #2 spot. But that’s not it, Mark watch out Britney Spears is on the rise with 599583 followers gaining the #3 spot.

+Mark Zuckerberg‘s profile on Google+

Mark Zuckerberg's Google+ profile

Mark Zuckerberg's Google+ profile

+Larry Page‘s profile on Google+

Larry Page profile on Google+

Larry Page profile on Google+

Also checkout, Larry’s halloween profile picture costumed using Google+ creative kit.

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