Verified Google Plus Profiles or Names Aka Profile Verification Badges Launched – Impersonators Stay Away!!

One of the problems facing online communication or social networks for that matter is impersonators. Pretty much anyone can impersonate as anyone in the online world.

Different social networks has taken different approaches in solving this important problem and some how succeeded in this. Twitter was the leading social network that took the approach of verified twitter accounts.

Since Google plus was relatively new in this arena with just one month since launched in free trial mode won’t be an exception to this problem. There were lot’s of impersonating accounts, most of them impersonating as celebrities inorder to get more attention / followers and in turn make more money by sharing links or commercials.

Immediately it got Google’s attention and they started to work on it before it gets worse. Now Google Plus has launched profile verification badges aka verified profiles.

With Verified Profiles, there will be a tick mark next to profile name and once you hover over the tick mark, you’ll see a message saying verified name (refer to the image below)

Verified google plus profiles / names

Profile verification badges in google plus

Some of the points to note about Profile verification badges

  • There will be a tick mark image next to profile name with text verified name
  • Verification badges are only available for public figures, celebrities and people who are in large number of circles (basically popular in google+)
  • There is no way to request for a verified profile
  • If Google+ founds your profile is eligible for verification badge, then they’ll contact you
  • Changing name or even a single character on the name will reset the verification status and need to be re-verified again
  • Google+ issued verification badges will only appear to the right of the profile name. If you found tick mark or any type of indication about verified profile in any other part of the profile, it is an indication of impersonation or invalid and please report to google using Report this profile link on the bottom left
  • Existing google knol users with verified profiles will be carried over but that process is closed
Great move that would help Google+ users to know exactly who they are following and would send a message to impersonators to stay away.


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  1. Gary Holyoke

    very great idea but I have personal friends and things on google that dont make sence that i will let know if i could figure out who to who

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