Auto Expanding of +1 Google+ Share Box and Follow Button on Google+ Badge Coming Soon

Two new updates are coming soon (now available only to preview accounts): the first one is Google+ share box auto expanding while clicking on +1 button and the Google+ badge is getting a follow button.

Auto expanding of Google+ share box (without clicking twice)

When you click on a +1 button, it increments the +1 count. And again when you click launches a Google+ share box. This is a 2 step process. When this new change is available, Google+ share box will be launched right after clicking on the +1 button (no need for that second click).

Google+ share box auto expands on single click

Google+ share box auto expands on single click

According to Google

We’re updating the +1 button sharing flow. Your users have been able to share from the +1 button for about six months. However, the sharing flow has required a second click to open the sharing box. When you click to +1 today from your preview account, the sharing box will display automatically, giving you the ability to share right away.

Follow button on Google+ badge

This follow button when clicked by your site visitors will automatically add your Google+ page to their Following circle.

New Follow button on Google+ badge

New Follow button on Google+ badge

According to Google

We’re updating the Google+ badge to use a Follow button. Your users will soon be able to add your Google+ page to their following circle with a single click
These two changes are launched in preview mode and available only to preview accounts.

These two changes are in preview mode and only available to preview accounts. As always after being sometime in preview mode they’ll be released to all users.


Just received notification that these two changes, Auto expanding of google+ share box and follow button on google+ badge are graduating and rolling out to all users as of today.

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