How to Claim Your Google Plus Custom URL?

Google+ Custom URL (a.k.a Vanity URL) is now being rolled out to every Google+ User with some simple eligibility requirements.

What is Google+ Custom / Vanity URL?

In simple words it is your own, unique and more meaningful link to your Google+ Profile. We’ll explain below with our own Google+ Vanity URL’s before and after change

Google+ User Profile

My profile link before was followed by a large number and was almost impossible to remember (Try profile)

Now replaced with + followed by my name (Try profile)

Google+ Page Profile

Our vlogg Google+ profile link was followed by a large number (try page profile)

Now replaced with + followed by vlogg and easy to remember (try page profile)

Custom / Vanity URL Eligibility

– Every Google+ User (Now you don’t have to be a celebrity anymore with thousands of followers to enjoy this feature.)

– You profile must have your profile picture

– Your Google+ Account must be at-least 30 days older or more

– You must have at-least 10 or more followers

How to Claim your Google+ Custom / Vanity URL?

Since there are millions of users on Google+, large rollouts like this happens in stages. So if you are eligible (based on above simple criteria) you’ll be automatically prompted as mentioned in images below.

When your are eligible you may also receive an email from Google+ (refer the bottom of this post for email screenshot), but email’s are slow.

One quick way to checkout if you are eligible is, goto your Google+ profile and click on the About tab. If you’re eligible and custom URL is available for your account you’ll immediately see the Get URL button like in screenshot below.

1. Click Get URL button on the top

Click on Get URL button

2. Click Change URL button on the dialog

Click on Change URL Button

3. Optional: Request a Different Custom URL

Not Satisfied with URL provided by Google+? Request a Different URL

4. Click on Confirm Choice button on the dialog

Confirm the Selected URL to finalize

5. Congratulations! Custom URL Confirmation Message

Congratulations Confirmation Message once Custom URL is assigned and confirmed


If you don’t see a button to claim your Custom URL, you may want to check if you have a received an email (similar to the one below) from Google+.

Google+ Custom URL Email Notification

Google+ Custom URL Claim Email Notification

This is a great feature we all have been waiting for a long time. So if you haven’t done so, go ahead and claim yours before it is gone.

Enjoy and please share your thoughts about this Google+ Custom / Vanity URL feature through comments below.

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