Android Hackathon: Build an App to Make Memes on Android by Google

Google is challenging Android Developers to build an app to make memes on Android. Are you ready for it? Then checkout this Android Hackthon on November 16th 2013.

Android Hackathon Challenge to Build An App to Make MeMe's on Android [Image: Google]

Build an app to make memes on Android

Date/Time: November 16th 2013 between 7:30 am – 8.00 pm

Location: Google CL3, Room: Maxwell Tech Talk, 1300 Crittenden Lane, Mountain View, CA 94043

Details: Agenda, What you need to bring, What is offered is available here

Prizes: Win lunch with VP of Google Mobile, Trophies and Swags

SignUp for this Android Hackathon by November 7th 2013 5pm PDT. You’ll hear by Nov 8th 2013 if you are selected for the event.

Enjoy and Happy Hacking!

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