Google Person Finder Helping Typhoon Yolanda Victims in Philippines

We’re all aware of the Monster Typhoon Yolanda that swept across Philippines and left hundreds of people dead, injured or separated from their loved ones. Google’s Person Finder – the FREE service that helps connect friends, families and their loved ones during disasters has put up a page to help connect Typhoon Yolanda victims. Philippines Typhoon Yolanda Person Finder Google Service According to the person finder details page

Google Person Finder helps people reconnect with friends and loved ones in the aftermath of natural and humanitarian disasters.

So, if you know information about someone or looking for someone, please share details on Typhoon Yolanda Person Finder page. You never know, this might make a big difference in someone’s life. As of writing, this person finder page is tracking about 101900 records / people. Like Winston Churchill once said

I never worry about action, but only inaction.

If you have any information about Typhoon victims, please visit the person finder page and submit it right away. You may also spread the news about this person finder page. Thanks and appreciate your help.

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