Hangouts on Air Control Room App: Moderate Audio, Video and Volume of Participants!
Hangouts on Air gets the best moderation tools of all called Control Room. Hangout host now has the ability to control any individual participant’s audio, video or even audio volume through this app.
While hosting public Hangouts on Air, you might have come across this powerless situation where someone participating in your hangout playing music in the background or creating distraction in their video or even sometimes too loud.
You don’t have to deal with that powerless situation any more, thanks to this newly introduced Hangouts on Air Control Room App. Now as a hangout host, you pretty much have full control of your hangout.
This app definitely puts full control back to the host. Through this app now mute any participant, hide any participants video or even lower the volume on one or more of the participants. Refer to the above screenshot and highlighted sections for all the functionality offered through this app.
This Control Room App is being roll out in stages, so if you are not seeing it then your not alone. Like always it is just matter of days before it will show up in your hangout screen.
Remember this feature is available only on Hangouts on Air (broadcasting live not the regular Google+ hangouts). So please don’t look under regular hangouts.
Being myself using hangouts everyday, I personally believe this is one of the powerful moderation tool available to any hangout host.
Try it out and share your thoughts and experience about this control room app through Google+ comments below or on our Google+ page.
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