How to Disable or Stop Twitter From Auto Playing Videos?

You visit Twitter to get a quick glimpse of What’s going on and end up watching unnecessary videos since they’re auto-playing and grabbing your attention?

Want to avoid wasting your expensive cellular or internet bandwidth?

Wouldn’t it be nice to stop the videos from being auto-played in the first place?

If your answer to the above is Yes, then here are a few simple steps of how to easily disable auto-playing videos on Twitter.

How to Disable Auto-Playing of Videos on Twitter?

  1. Login into Twitter (if you’re not already logged in)
  2. Click on the “More” menu item on the left
  3. Click on the “Settings and privacy” menu item
  4. Select “Accessibility, display and languages” in the Settings list
  5. Click on “Data usage”
  6. Click on Autoplay and choose Never in the available options (By default it is enabled for On cellular or Wi-Fi)
  7. That’s it, you’ve successfully disabled auto-playing of videos on Twitter

We wish Twitter could have either disabled this by default or had this option easily available somewhere easily accessible.

Do you like auto-play of videos or prefer to be disabled? Share your thoughts below.

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