Mark Zuckerberg Is Still the Most Popular Person on Google+ (Followed by Half a Million People)

Two months ago, right after google plus social network went into field trial mode we wrote an article about Facebook’s co-founder Mark Zuckerberg the most popular person on Google+.

Interestingly he is still going strong and keeping the title to himself. This time he has a whopping 556978 followers (more than half a million followers) and still going strong.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg's google plus profile

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg's google plus profile

There are few changes on his profile this time

  • His followers have increased more than 10x (ten fold) from  44871 to 556978
  • People in his circle has been hidden (profile has in Mark’s circle section being hidden)
  • His profile is an verified profile which means the profile is authentic, we can be sure it is Mark Zuckerberg (We are not sure whether Mark provided some form of ID and verified his identity or not). But what we know is only popular person on google+ or celebrities can get a verified profile at this time. (after identifying themselves with Google+ through some form of Identification)
But what hasn’t changed is, there isn’t any shared posts, pictures or pretty much any activity for that matter on his profile.

Is he on Google+ just to try out new Google+ features?

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