Google Earth Gets Google+ Share : Share Screenshot of Current View With Your Circles!

Google Earth is a great product that lets you to quickly and virtually explore the Earth with the convenience of being at your desktop.

While virtually exploring Earth you may came across a great spot or place that you like to share with your friends or others. Until now this has to be done manually but not anymore.

Google earth gets Google+ share option

Google earth gets Google+ share option (Courtesy: Google)

With every Google product getting integrated with Google+, now it’s time for Google Earth to get that social touch.

Earth team has added Share screenshot on Google+ option to the product.

To enjoy this feature you must be a Google+ user and sign in into Google earth (by clicking on sign in button on the top right corner) with your Google Account.

Wherever you are on (Google) Earth, just click on the drop down on the top right and choose Share screenshot on Google+ and follow the instructions.

Now collaboratively plan your next vacation or picnic with your Google+ friends or circles.

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