Google+ Redesign Poll : Do You Like the New Layout and the Design?

Google has rolled out a all new layout and design of Google+ hashtagged as #newgoogleplus. Do you love the new design? Please take this simple poll / survey and also share your thoughts through the comment section.

Google+ redesign poll/survey

Do you like the new google+ layout and redesign?

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  1. Lionel Lauer

    There’s stuff I don’t like about it – the big one being the waste of more than a third of my screen – but now that I’m getting over the shock, I like it. I particularly like that they seem to have fixed the %^@#%$@#!$#@ jumping window problem! :^)

  2. Curt Dox

    I like the new design but with a few grains of salt:

    1) There is yet, no way to adjust the whitespace issue within G+ itself.
        solution- A settings panel similar to Gmail, which allows display density ‘comfortable, cozy, compact’
        addition- Allow the optional configuration of an additional panel to fill the whitespace.

    2) Only two circles of my choice receive a button which is placed between ‘all’ and ‘more’.
        solution- Possibly related to above, and configure to allow as many/few like sidebar does.

    3) The twitter-esque hashtag system is a natural progression and I think a nice addition.
        question- Is this going to further integrate with Twitter (as an option) and how?

  3. christina Fisher

    the gray on white causes HEADACHES  
    if I can’t find a way to change will have to leave
    do not like the black boarder around the posted pictures

  4. André Marcoux

    I do not like at all the direction Google is taking with UI, been visualy impaire, everything now is so faded, fonts, icons, make finding something on a page  more and more a hardship, even giving me a headache, VERY DISAPOINTED with you Google. 

  5. Wadejohn

    Starting to look like F***book!!!!

    Awful on a widescreen monitor and I do not want a significant portion of my screen taken with crap about hangouts and chat.

    Give us some customisation of what we see please.

  6. Sharon Sinéad Gaughan

    Nice clean layout, but certain functional improvements are in order:

    — _Better Circle management_, including the capability to find those have circled the user but haven’t been circled back (without scrolling through the entire list of circlers).

    — _Better (and easier) customization_ of the header graphics without as much guess work.

    — _Stronger integration_ with other Google products. This is an ongoing effort, of course, but even more important as +Google+ grows. 

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