Google+ for Education : A Free Online Education Technology Conference Powered by Hangouts on Air

Are you in the education industry? Then this might be of interest to you. A free and online education technology conference is being held and streamed via google+ hangouts on air feature.

There are over 40+ sessions in various topics (refer high level topics below) stretched over a period of 10 hours.

Google+ education on Air technology conference

Google+ education on Air technology conference


Education on Air


May 2nd 2012 between 12 noon to 10 pm eastern time


Online via g+ hangouts on air



High level topics discussed

  • Hot topics in educational technology
  • Communicate, connect and share
  • Google apps
  • Harnessing the power of the web
  • Instructional and assessment tools
  • Get productive

Here is the information link for the conference. If you are into the field of education or teaching, you don’t want to miss this education conference.

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