“A Google a Day” New Trivia Game on Google+ Social Games

Are you a trivia gamer or like quiz games? Here is a new game called A google a day (beta), a trivia game released on google+ social games today.

Trivia games or quiz games are an interesting way to sharpen your memory and knowledge in various subjects. Normally when we research on a subject or got a question the first thing we do is search for that topic on your favorite search engine i.e google.com

A google a day game home screen

Trivia game a google a day on google+ social games

'a Google a day' beta trivia game launch screen on Google+ games

This a google a day game just helps to do it in a fun and interesting way by playing as a fun game. Right after launching of the game you’re presented with questions and right below you’ll find google search embedded into the game.

All you have to do is type in the keyword from or about the question and instantly a google search result pops up with results similar to google search results (SERP’s). This is a time based game, so better your search skills, the more points you earn.

Sample trivia question while playing the game

Sample question on a google a day trivia game

Trivia game sample question on 'a google a day' trivia game beta on Google+

From the search results find the answer you are looking for, answer the questions and earn points. As you earn points you earn levels and the game goes on.

You’ll be prompted with option to publish your results to the google+ stream. Be proud to share your achievements with your circles and/or the public. This is a colorful game right from the first screen and looks appealing. Enjoy and have fun!

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