How to Control Your Google+ Game Updates on Your Home Stream?

Google+ games a.k.a social games is one of the popular feature on the G+ network. When you play games and share your updates it appears on people’s (your circle’s) main stream or home page on google+.

Now they have introduced a games update filter / slider similar to that of posts filter / slider which allows to control how much of game updates you want to see shared by people from your circle(s).

Goto your games section by clicking on the games navigation ribbon and you’ll find this new slider (refer the image below)

New game slider to filter game updates

New game updates control slider on game screen

There are four settings available as outlined below

  • No game updates on your home page : Turn off game updates on main stream completely
  • A few game updates on your home page
  • Some game updates on your home page
  • Even more game updates on your home page : See all game updates on your main stream
You may adjust the slider according to your personal preferences. This game updates slider allows to fine tune what you prefer to see on your home page and save some time and unwanted distractions. Non gamers may love this setting to turn off updates altogether.

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