Google+ Unseats Twitter to Become the Second Largest Social Network in the World!

Facebook is undoubtedly the king of social networks in terms of total number of users (over 903 million users) as well as total number of active users (over 693 million). [Source: GlobalWebIndex]

But things are changing quite fast. If you recall our report couple of months ago, according to that Google+ crossed the 500 million+ total users mark and became the second largest in terms of total number of users and had over 135 million+ active users according to official statistics from Google.

Until then twitter was the 2nd largest in terms of users before losing the title to Google+. Luckily it was still holding the 2nd position in terms of total active users.

According to recent report from GlobalWebIndex (an independent online statistics company) that is history now and Google+ has unseated twitter even in terms of active users. Latest news of the town is, Google+: Fastest growing in active usage. A remarkable achievement by Google+ with just < 2 years since its inception in June 2011.

facebook google+ twitter total and active users december 2012

Facebook, Google+, Twitter and other social networks statistics (total and active users) [ Courtesy: GlobalWebIndex]

According to GlobalWebIndex, Google+ now has over 330 million+ active users and its active usage is growing faster. Congrats Google+, you guys did it!

Here is another report that explains Google+ in depth released by GlobalWebIndex today.


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