Google+ Now Has 250 Million Total Users as of June 2012 According to Official Statistics!

Today is the official one year anniversary for the fastest growing social network Google+ (Happy birthday Google+) since the network went live in private beta same time last year.

Coincidently today was the starting day of Google’s popular developer conference Google I/O 2012. And as expected they celebrated the success of Google+ by announcing the official statistics for the network.

Total users google plus june 2012

Google+ official statistics for June 2012

Here is the official Google+ statistics as of June 2012 (As announced on Google I/O 2012)

  • 250 million total users
  • 150 million active users
  • 125 million users sign in everyday
  • Active users spend about 12 minutes/day
  • More users using the network via mobile than the desktop (Thanks to the redesigned G+ iphone and android app)
  • New features or updates were released almost everyday (except one day) for the last 365 days (Wow!)

The network is growing significantly faster than expected making history as the fastest growing social network of all times. With this current pace it is more likely to hit the projected unofficial target of 400 million users by end of year 2012.

We take this opportunity to congratulate the Google+ team for their outstanding work in delivering a innovative and quality product that is now part of our day to day life. Great job guys!!


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