Google+ Iphone App Is the Most Addictive and Gorgeously Beautiful App Since Launch

Google+ on the web had a major redesign overhaul few weeks ago. Now it’s time for the mobile apps to get better. Few days back mobile team released a all new updated google+ iphone app on the app store.

This release is the most beautiful, gorgeous and addictive google+ iphone app since the original release of the app.

Features and improvements

  • Quick immerse experience immediately after the launch of the app
  • Crispy fonts, friendly home screen and large profile pictures
  • The stream is very easy on the eyes, nice overlays, gradients and other visual cues
  • Quick and easier +1 and share
  • Posts, articles and text look great
  • Beautiful and immerse hangout experience
  • Gorgeous video and photo screens
  • Easily noticeable notifications, search and settings
  • Highly responsive app with great improvements on performance
Overall experience is that the app is so gorgeous you don’t want to close or quit the app. It makes you extremely addictive so be warned.
New google+ mobile app for iphone released

New google+ iphone app is gorgeously beautiful (Images: Appstore)

New google+ iphone app is available on the app store. Download and install from the app store or update from your phone.

Google+ iPhone app introduction video

This update was just for the iphone app and that didn’t make the android camp happier. But don’t worry, google+ android app is getting a update too and like always will have more extra surprises than the other platforms.

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