Keyboard Shortcuts for Your Google+ Hangout Window [PC and Mac]

Here is the list of keyboard shortcuts that are useful while you are on a Google+ hangout window. Also read our post about Google+ keyboard shortcuts.

Google+ hangout keyboard shortcuts for PC

Google+ hangouts keyboard shortcuts for PC

Google+ hangouts keyboard shortcuts for PC

Note: Press the following keys while in a hangout window

? – Shows help dialog

Ctrl + e – Enable / Disable Camera

Ctrl + d – Mute / Un-Mute Microphone

Ctrl + g – Switch as primary speaker (works when audio is muted)

Ctrl + b – Show / Hide Chat section

Ctrl + y – Set focus on Apps menu

Del – Remove or Close a Hangout app

Alt + 1 – Open your menu (Shows a menu just below your own video thumbnail with link to your Google+ profile and microphone icon)

Google+ hangout keyboard shortcuts for Mac

Google+ hangout keyboard shortcuts for mac

Google+ hangout keyboard shortcuts for mac

Note: Press the following keys while in a hangout window

? – Shows help dialog (Press Shift and ?)

Cmd + e – Enable / Disable Camera

Cmd + d – Mute / Un-Mute your Microphone

Cmd + g – Switch as primary speaker (works when audio is muted)

Cmd + b – Show / Hide Chat section

Cmd + y – Set focus on Apps menu

Del – Remove or close your hangout app

Opt + 1 – Open your menu

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