Auto Muting When Someone Types in a Google+ Hangout

If you use Google+ hangouts for your daily meeting’s or with a larger audience then you might have faced this one constant problem:  When one or more of your hangout participants type on their keyboard, all you hear is the keystrokes instead of the actual conversation.

This is very annoying and can’t have a productive conversation. Don’t worry, this new feature comes to your rescue.

Going forward when hangout senses someone typing, his mic will be automatically muted with a notification Sounds like you’re typing so we muted your mic and mic icon in red (refer image below).

automatically mute mic when typing in hangout

Auto muting of mic in hangout when typing in keyboard (Image: Google+)

  • This is only applicable to hangouts with 4 or more participants
  • Mic is automatically muted when a participant starts typing. That participant will see the message and his mic icon in red (For others in the hangout, no visible difference but without annoying keystrokes)
  • Mic will be un-muted as soon as they stop typing (Unless they manually mute their mic)

This is a life saver for people using hangouts everyday. Enjoy and please share your thoughts about his useful feature.

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