How to Disable Google+ Auto Backup of Photos and Videos in Android?

Auto Backup (previously instant upload) feature in Google+ mobile app automatically backs up your photos and videos as you shoot to your Google+ account.

This is a great feature since mobile or portable devices are prone to lost or being stolen. To use this feature you don’t have to do anything, just install Google+ mobile app and everything is taken care off automatically.

But not everyone likes this cool feature for various reasons and we can understand and respect that. We’ve been asked by many to write a post about How to Disable this auto backup feature. Here is a step by step image guide for doing the same.

Before the steps, we want to highlight an important point here because there is a lot of misconceptions about this. All photos or videos uploaded by auto backup (previously instant upload) are stored in a private section or album called Auto Backup ( and only available to You and NOT shared with anyone (You have to manually select and share them on Google+ if you decide to do so).

Steps to disable Auto Backup in Android

1. Press Menu button on your andoird phone and touch Settings in the appearing menu

Press Menu button on the phone and touch Settings in the menu


2. Touch Camera & photos option

Touch Camera & Photos option


3. Touch Auto Backup option

Touch Auto Backup option


4. Flip the switch from ON to OFF position (on the top – right now it’s enabled)

Flip the switch from ON to OFF position (on the top - right now it's enabled)


5. Auto Backup is OFF and images won’t be backed up anymore

Auto Backup is OFF and images won't be backed up anymore

Hope this simple image guide helps to turn off Auto Backup feature in Android as easily as possible. Please share your thoughts through Google+ comments below.

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