Google Impact Challenge Calling for Innovators to Win $500,000 for Their Non-Profits

Are you a social entrepreneur and want to solve the world’s most pressing problems? Then here is your chance. Google is funding around $500,000 through this challenge.

Four Non-profits will be selected and each will be awarded $500,000 (half a million dollars).

The Global Impact Challenge India 2013 for $500,000 award

Last date for submission of application is 5th September 2013.

Here is the form to apply for the challenge.

You must be an Indian Non-Profit to participate in this challenge.

Google announces finalists on 21st October 2013 and opens for the public vote to pick their favorites.

On 31st October 2013, the selected finalist will pitch their idea to a panel and four entrepreneurs will be selected to receive the award.

More details about this award is available here.

Just 15 more days left. So, Apply today and win $500,000 for your non-profit and make your social project a reality.

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