Google Black Bar to Be Replaced With Chrome Style Apps Menu

Almost all Google products have gone through a make over in the past one year or so. But this Black Google Bar that appears on the top of every product remained the same.

Now it is time for this black bar to go through design changes. Interestingly they have removed this Google bar altogether and replaced with an all new Chrome OS Style Apps launcher menu.

Here is how the Google Bar looks before change

Google Black Bar on top of many online products

New Design with Google Bar gone and a new Chrome Style Apps Launcher Icon

Google Bar replaced with an all New Chrome Style Apps Launcher Menu

More details about the announcement is available here.

This roll out of Chrome Style Apps Launcher menu across many Google products is happening in next few weeks. So, if you are not seeing the changes today then you’re not alone.

But if you can’t wait, then there is a hack to get the new menu right away. Just copy and paste the following code in your browser address bar and press Enter key. Voila! you’ll have your new menu immediately.

javascript:document.cookie="PREF=ID=e66a207a51ceefd8:U=936bafc98b2a9121:FF=0:LD=en:NR=10:CR=2:TM=1378808351:LM=1379592992:SG=1:S=OXyq0fqClYB66VuV ; path=/;";window.location.reload();

Please share your experience through comments below. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Some users have wrote to us that the above code didn’t work on Windows systems. Sorry about that, since I am on a Mac, only tested on it. On Windows/Linux, Chrome for some reason removes the javascript: portion when you paste the code. So, right after pasting the code in your address bar, just go to the beginning and add javascript: followed by press ENTER and it works. I don’t have a Windows but tested on Linux just to make sure.

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