Nexus 5 Phone in This Android 4.4 Kit Kat Statue Video?

Google today surprisingly announced that the next version of Android will be Android 4.4 and will be named KitKat the favorite chocolate treat.

As part of the announcement was the official android statistics that said over 1 billion android devices has been activated so far.

Google also released a video that shows setting up of Android 4.4 KitKat statue in its campus.

Nexus 5 Phone accidentally unveiled in this Video?

Rumors are running wild in the Android Community that the phone appearing on this video may be the upcoming Nexus 5 phone from LG with 5.2″ screen, quad-core processor and 3000 mAh battery. We are not sure, so watch the video and share your thoughts below.

You may read more about this android release at KitKat page on

Thanks to Dwayne Chris Milford for uploading this video since Google took the original video down. Enjoy!.

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