3 New Google+ Community Updates Released Today
Google Plus Communities has added three new improvements that would help with community notifications and moderator controls.
Here is the list 3 new updates released today (according to Shimrit Ben of Google)
1. Notifications: In settings you can now turn email notifications on or off for community posts: google.com/settings/plus
2. Community Spam Folder: A new moderator view that puts flagged posts in an out-of-sight folder “spam folder.” This way moderators can enjoy their communities without distraction, then manage flagged content only when it’s convenient. Check the image below where 42 posts flagged as spam.
3. Select Category while Posting: Today onwards posting/sharing content to Google+ Communities required to select a Category while posting. This ensures that the shared content reaches the right audience.
These are some of the most sought after features and no doubt in my mind that it’ll definitely help improve Google+ Communities experience for both the owners/moderators and community members.
Enjoy and share your thoughts through Google+ comments below.
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