Google Plus Updates Broadcast Live Video!

As announced yesterday, Video Broadcast of Google Plus Updates is Now Live. This is the first time ever Google+ updates are released via a Live Video! Watch and enjoy video here.

Over 30,000 Google+ users have signed up for this live event.

Google Plus Updates Live Broadcast Video

Over 11000+ users are already tuned in to watch this broadcast.

Enjoy and Share Your Thoughts about these new updates through Google+ Comments below.

UPDATE #1: If you are getting the following error, you’re not alone, please read Update #2

Oops! This event could not be found.
Your URL may be incorrect, or the event may have been deleted.

UPDATE #2: Google building that hosts this live broadcast is experiencing an unexpected power outage, so the event is going to delayed by 15 minutes.

UPDATE #3: from +Vic Gundotra, The generator has arrived! A few minutes to start it up, then restart the equipment. We should be live shortly. Thanks for the patience.

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