Google+ Second Most Used Social Network World Wide in Q3 2013 [Infographic]

Google+ continues to maintain its lead as the second most used social network as of Q3 2013 according to latest social network statistics report released by GlobalWebIndex.

GlobalWebIndex, a leading online market research firm surveys people from over 32 countries and releases social network statistic report every quarter. In this recently released 3rd quarter 2013 report, Facebook still maintains the No.1 spot with 48%, Google+ and Twitter share the No.2 spot with 22% each while YouTube has 21% followed by Sina Weibo of China with 20% of internet users.


Google Plus Social Network Statistics as of Sept 2013 (Q3 2013) [Images: GlobalWebIndex]


Google+ along with YouTube (another popular Google product) together are used by over 43% of the internet users globally. With the recent introduction of Google+ Comments inside YouTube both the platforms are getting closer to each other. With that in mind, Google+ & YouTube combined is not too far from Facebook’s 48% global usage.

Please refer above social network infographic to learn more about other social networks like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Myspace, Tumblr, etc..

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