Google+ Traffic in US Is Up by 5% in April 2012 vs March 2012

Google+ traffic is posting month over month growth and here is the latest update from Experian Hitwise a company that tracks US web traffic.

According to a Hitwise tweet, Google+ has enjoyed another 5% increase of US traffic in april 2012 compared to march 2012 and has received more than 64 million total visits.

Web traffic in US for Google+ jumps 5% in april 2012

Google+ traffic in US up 5% in April 2012

What’s interesting is Google+ traffic is growing even faster in other parts of the world but unfortunately since hitwise only tracks US web traffic that’s all the data we have for now.

Recently google+ launched Hangouts on Air (a group video and broadcast live on youtube feature) in 40 countries around the world. This could fuel even more growth in various parts of the world.

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