Google Play Offers Free and Exclusive Gifts for 2013 Holiday Season

Google Play Store is offering free and exclusive offers on some digital presents (i.e apps, books, movies, tv and music) for this 2013 holiday season.

Google Play Store Offers and Free Gifts for Holiday Season 2013 [Images:]


To make it easy to find, Google has posted an exclusive year 2013 holiday promotion deals page that lists free and discounted promotional items in a single page.

Here is the copy from the above promotional page (from Play Store)

For a limited time this holiday season, Google Play is gifting some of our favorite Apps, Books, Movies, TV and Music. Get ready to unwrap these digital presents on that special device you may have found under the tree. Need more to stuff to celebrate? Check out our collections featuring exclusive holiday carols, December book deals, apps & games for the season and movies full of end of year cheer. For another exclusive treat — click on the video to see the magical paper art creations that are decorating our store this season. Happy Holidays from the Google Play Elves!

2013 Play Store Promotional Items

These promotions are for a limited time only (and most likely gone right after New Year’s day). So grab them before they’re gone.

Enjoy the Free Gifts.

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