Google Glass Invite to All Google Play Music Customers in U.S.

Google is sending out glass invites to all its U.S. Google Play Music All Access customers to join Glass Explorer program.

So if you are a paying Google Play Music customer ($9.99/month) and in the U.S, look for a glass invite email (similar to image below) from [email protected] in your inbox.

Google Glass Invitation Email for Google Play Music All Access Customers [Images:]


According to the email…

Your Chance to Buy Google Glass

With the launch of Google Play Music on Google Glass, we’ve secured VIP invitations for All Access customers to join the Glass Explorer Program. Interested in rocking out while exploring with Glass? Sign up to receive your invitation below.

If you’re not a Play All Music access customer and still looking for a glass invite, don’t worry; Here is another option. Use this Google glass survey form that allows any one to signup for Glass Explorer Program and still get a glass invite.

Some points to note

  • Must be in the U.S
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Will be shipped only to U.S. shipping address
  • Google glass costs $1,500 while in glass explorer program

Google Glass is still under development and not yet released to the public. Rumors suggest it may arrive sometime in 2014 but still there is no official dates yet.

So, Glass Explorer Program may not be for everyone unless you have $1,500 to spend. It is designed for developers, product owners or other explorers who plan to get their product ready when glass is released to the public. For e.g. if you are planning to develop a google glass app and make it available when it is released, this is the earliest and best option to get your hands on glass.

Are you going to get one under explorer program? What you are going to do with it? Share your thoughts through comments below.

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