Olympic Gold Medalist Picabo Street Google+ Hangout Today

Want to Start Year 2014 with some great Inspiration? How about from an Olympic Gold Medalist?

Team USA gold medalist in Alpine Skiing Picabo Street is participating in this exclusive Google+ Hangout hosted by Liberty Mutual today.

She was kicked off the ski team, worked hard, regained strength and went to conquer the olympics gold.

We believe with every setback, there’s a chance to come back

This hangout will be broadcasted live on January 3rd 2014 between 9.00 AM – 9.30 AM PST. You may also RSPV via this event page.

Watch Gold Medalist Picabo Street Hangout


Got a question for Picabo Street? Submit your questions by clicking Q&A link in the top right corner of the video and watch the hangout for answer.

Best way to start this new year in my opinion, Enjoy!

UPDATE: Since they released recording as a separate video, In case you missed the live hangout, Watch the recording here.

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