Google I/O 2014 Registration Is Now Open for Signups!

Are you planning to visit this year’s Google I/O developer conference? Registration is now open and you got 3 days to sign up starting now i.e 15th April 2014 @ 4:00 PM PDT.

As announced earlier, selection for this year’s Google I/O 2014 registration is based on random selection (similar to lottery system). That said, registering in next 3 days doesn’t guarantee a ticket but will definitely increase the chances of getting a ticket.

Google I/O 2014 Registration is Now Open for Signups

If you are serious about going to this year’s Google I/O 2014 developer conference, you must sign up through this registration page and wait for your official confirmation after registration closes on 18th April 2014 @ 2pm PDT.

Google I/O 2014 Signup will be open between April 15th 4:00 PM PDT – April 18th 2:00 PM PDT

Wish all the participants best of luck.

Update #1: Registration is already overloaded with message Aw, snap! The registration application window is open, but we’re experiencing heavy load at this time. Even with 3 day registration window people are hammering the server.

Google I/O 2014 Registration Page Overloaded


Update #2: Google I/O 2014 Registration is now officially closed and no more new registration is accepted anymore.

Google I/O 2014 Registration Closed

Best of luck to those already signed up, now the wait begins to hear the good news 🙂

UPDATE #3: Google I/O 2014 selection results / tickets to arrive on 21st April 2014, so keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow (email you used for registration)

UPDATE #4: Google has sent out notifications for those who are selected or not selected via email. Please check your inbox with mails with subject line Google I/O Registration Application. Following is a sample screenshot of a not selected email notification.

Google I/O non selection email notification

You’ll also receive another email about your Google Wallet being charged or transaction cancelled (if not selected).

Did you receive a confirmation email? Share your thoughts through Google+ comments below.

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