Google I/O 2012 Dates Moved, Extended to 3 Days and Registration Month Announced!

We’ve earlier covered about Google I/O 2012 (Google Developer Conference) event, location and confirmed dates of the same. But unfortunately today Google has announced some changes to the event.

Google I/O 2012 dates and registration

Google I/O 2012 Developer Conference


According to the new announcement the dates have been moved two months later. Another important change is a day has been added and the event is now extended to 3 days which will give more time to attend more sessions.

Google I/O 2012 dates

June 27th – June 29th, 2012

Location (no change)

Moscone Center West, San Francisco

Duration (changed)

Three (3) days (It used to be 2 days before)


in February 2012 (exact day yet to be known)

The good news is, you got more time to make your travel arrangements and more time to attend sessions. But the bad news is, if you have already made travel arrangements need to re-schedule it.

Another thing that is cryptic at this point is, they have asked to brush up your coding skills so that it’ll come in handy when the new application process opens in February.

If you would have registered or tried for last year’s Google I/O 2011, you might have experienced the worst registration process; with server couldn’t handle the load and kept timing out (We think the registration process was handled by 3rd party). Only a continue F5 or Refresh could get you through if you were lucky. Looks like Google as always has listened to our feedback and making changes to the registration process.

But one thing we disagree with at this point is about brushing up with the coding skills. Does that mean we’ll be provided with coding challenge to register for Google I/O? We don’t think it is a good idea. It may help to keep away people who may be coming to I/O just for freebies but at the same time it may alienate a lot of genuine google fan base  along with designers, program/project managers and people from other industries (We’ve met lawyers, financial and business people, etc during last year I/O 2011 who were really excited about google and it’s products).

We hope Google will shed more light on this subject before making any drastic changes to the registration process. If you are on Google+, look for hashtag #io12 for more updates, announcements and also read the original post.

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  1. Ogre

    It’s a developer’s conference. I’m not sure what lawyers, financial and business people would actually get out of it (other than the keynote speeches and freebies), when most of the sessions (judging from the videos) are about programming stuff. 

    • Kringo

      Well I agree it is a developer conference but it’s little more than that. Google I/O is the show case or the single best event to announce, launch and share google products with the world. 

      Undoubtedly developers are the brand ambassadors for google but they also need decision makers, executives and others across various industries to join the event inorder to market better and wide reach.

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