Google I/O 2013 Registration Opens on March 13th 2013 at 7am PDT
Google finally released the open registration dates for the much awaited Google I/O 2013. Yep, it’s official, registration is open to the public on March 13th at 7.00 am PDT (pacific daylight time).
More details about the announcement (according to +Google Developers page)
We know you’ve been anxiously awaiting more details on registration for Google I/O 2013, which will be May 15-17, 2013. We appreciate your patience, and the wait is over!
Registration will open on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 7:00 AM PDT (GMT-7) and will remain open until tickets are sold out. Based on demand in previous years, we expect to sell out quickly. Just like last year, ticket prices will be USD $900 for general attendees and $300 for academic attendees, and you’ll need a Google+ account and a Google Wallet buyer account to register.
We’ll be sharing more information about registration and travel planning here and on developers.google.com/io before registration opens on the 13th.
We’re looking forward to bringing you an amazing and inspiring Google I/O experience!
With Google+ the second largest social network, Project Glass almost ready, Chrome Pixel, Android 5.0, etc., the world is buzzing a lot about Google.
So be ready with your Google+ account and Google Wallet setup for March 13th @ 7.00 am to get a feeling about the next big thing.
Google I/O is one of most sought after conference among the technology and developers community. Like in the past, the tickets could sell out in just few minutes of time.
Let the fun begin, All the best.
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