Google+ Introduces New Layout, Hangout App and Ton of New Features in Photos!

Google+ as expected took the center stage in Google I/O 2013 developer conference today. During the keynote, Google has released a ton of new features across the Google+ platform.

Highlights of new features released today

One layout across all devices

New google+ layout released

Google+ new multi-column layout (similar to mobile or tablet) on Desktop

Starting today, you’ll enjoy single or multiple column layout (you can switch between these two choice) across all your devices right from mobile, tablet and desktop. It’s been rolled out since mid of the day today.

New Google+ Hangouts App

hangouts app released

Google+ hangouts app (Images: Play Store)

Play store today released a app called Google+ hangouts that unifies all types of communication into one single and sleek app. This app replaces talk app and allows to turn any conversation into a group video call (irrespective of device you or your friends in), write online or offline messages (they’ll see once they come online), use photos and emoji, etc., Just install and try it out, it is really cool.

This app is a God send for all the folks who spend a lot of time on hangouts. Now just with a click of  a button (similar to using a phone dialer to just dial a number) you can start and have a hangout conversation with any of your friends or circles.

Auto Hashtagging and related Hashtags

Starting today, Google+ automatically hashtags your posts, finds and applies related hashtags and even identifies context by just analysing photos (let’s say you shared a photo of Eiffel Tower without any text in your post, Google+ automatically scans the picture and identifies and hashtags as #EiffelTower using image recognition).

Google+ photo’s go professional

All the powerful tools that professionals use to take a picture from good to amazing are now available and applied automatically on your photos. All you have to do is, just upload and Google algorithms take care of the rest. The outcome is amazing even without lifting a finger, spending time or spending hundreds of dollars on software like photoshop, etc.,

Google+ also announced over a whopping 190 million+ users stay active on the network everyday.

Enjoy and stay tuned for me!

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