Google I/O 2013 Dates Announced, It’s May 15-17 2013 at Moscone Center San Francisco and Registration Starts Next Year!

Much anticipated and one of most popular tech event Google I/O developer conference for the year 2013 is officially announced today.

Google I/O 2013 event date and registration details


io2013 registration and event

Google I/O 2013 event dates and registration details (Courtesy: Google)


May 15-17 2013


Moscone Center West, San Francisco

Registration details

To be announced in Feb 2013

Here are the details according to Google Developers Google+ post

It might only be December, but Google I/O 2013 is set and is just 162 days away! We’ll be returning to Moscone Center West in San Francisco on May 15-17, 2013, and sharing the experience beyond via Google Developers Live and I/O Extended viewing parties. We’ll announce registration details in February 2013.

If you have not yet experienced Google I/O, our annual developer event, visit the 2012 site at for highlights, including the spellbinding Google Glass demo (

To stay up to date on Google I/O announcements, as well as other developer news, follow us here on Google+ and join the conversation with #io13

Let the fun begin!

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