OnePlus 2 Phone Launch VR App Released in Playstore

Two years ago OnePlus was a simple startup company somewhere in China that no one was heard about. With their innovative approach to marketing and engaging with the user community they’ve changed all that.

Today they have created a name for themselves through their very first Android smartphone called OnePlus One (a.k.a 1+1). At the time of launch it was one of the best phone in the Android smartphone world with impressive specifications, features all without compromising on the price (16gb version was sold for $299.00, 64gb was sold for $349.00).

The only frustration was most of the people couldn’t get their hands on it due to short supply and their invite system. Being a startup it is fully understandable they don’t have the capital to produce and store it upfront so that orders can be fulfilled. In fact they were testing the waters in the smartphone worlds dominated by giants like Apple and Samsung.

Surprisingly in a recent interview, Carl Pei co-founder of OnePlus said that they sold over 1.5 million+ smartphones since launch (Impressive). Also to note is during this startup process they’ve created an incredible list of followers for their 1+1 brand, so if you look at their forums statistics it is very impressive: 660,000 members, 263,000 discussions and over 10 million messages posted and growing.

With this remarkable success they didn’t stop there, they’re planning to launch their next flagship phone called OnePlus 2 (1+2) on July 27th 2015 at 7:00pm PST (i.e just one day away). This time they promised a better invite system, 2x stock than their previous phone and best of all previous owners get the first preference.

Instead of the launching the product in traditional old way (conferences, keynote, etc.,) they want to do it something creative and in a way no one has ever done it before: Launch it in streaming Virtual Reality (VR).

In order to enhance the VR experience they’ve launched an Android app called OnePlus 2 Launch and it is now available in Google Playstore. So Install the app, use your Google VR Cardboard and experience the launch of OnePlus Two like never before. If everything goes well, the experience should be like we’re in the room with the rest of OnePlus one fans around the world with the convenience of being in your own living room.

According to OnePlus

Product launches tend to be the same. An auditorium, a keynote, and a seated audience. For the OnePlus 2 launch, we didn’t want a barrier between us and our community; we want to invite you into our world, because you’re a major part of it. That is why we will be unveiling the OnePlus 2 in a VR experience. Starting July 27 at 7:00pm PST, everyone around the world can stream our launch

I own a OnePlus One phone for the past one year and very impressed with its quality, performance and support. Looking forward for the OnePlus Two launch as well as the all new product launch experience in Virtual Reality.

Are you planning to join the launch event? Please let us know through comments below.

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