Wish You a Happy 13th Birthday Google! Google Celebrates in Style With a Cool Google Doodle!!

Can you believe it? it was today 13 years ago – Google unveiled it’s powerful search engine to the world. It’s been a wonderful 13 years since then and today they celebrate their 13th birthday.

Here is the official Google doodle on the eve of 13th birthday celebration

Google 13th birthday Doodle

Google 13th birthday Doodle

We thought of writing a short post about How Google helped us and transformed itself over the past 13 years

Search Engine – Flagship product, Google search changed the way how we search for information. Speed, precision and relevance made google the default search engine. Today Google is synonym to search, a remarkable achievement.

GMail – Free, generous disk space, never delete a mail concept, powerful search, rich user experience, the best spam protection, etc made gmail the de facto standard for email.

Chrome Web browser – Web standards, speed, simplicity, secure, constant updates, etc made this browser a strong contender and gaining steady market share.

Android Mobile – iPhone initiated the smartphone trend but Android revolutionized smartphones. Today android is one of the fastest growing mobile operating system and holds the #1 mobile operating system spot with a market share of over 43%, a remarkable achievement in such a short span of time.

Google+ – the fastest growing social network in social network history growing at the rate of 2 million users a day since opened for public signup a week ago.

To keep it short and simple, we limited to above few products that we do use everyday as part of our day to day life.

On behalf of us and our readers we wish Google, a Happy 13th birthday!! It’s been a wonderful 13 years Google, your wonderful search engine and many google products has helped and transformed us in many ways. For that you guys deserve a great appreciation. Hats off to you guys and keep up the good work. More success will follow!!

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