How to Get a Free Google+ Invite?

Google has launched it’s best social network effort ever with the launch of Google+ in limited trial mode. Since it’s in trial mode, signup’s are not available to the public.

google+ invite

How to get a free google+ invite?

However Google has given enough invites to us so that we can give it for free. We have already given away 100’s of google+ invites freely to our site users.

We still have a lot’s of Google+ invites to give away and want to share with the interested people. Here are the simple steps to request or get your free google+ invite

Please do one or more of the above steps and send us an email through the above Contact form and you’ll receive your free Google+ invite.

Enjoy Google+.


Sorry for the delay in sending google+ invites. Too many invites, so it took a while. Now invites for all those requested is sent. Please check your emails, thanks.


Due to huge number of invite requests, we are holding off taking requests at the moment. We’ll reopen soon, appreciate your cooperation, thanks.


Google+ is now open for public beta signup, here is How to signup for Google+? (Invites are not required any more)


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  1. A Thomas Hawkins

    I gave up Facebook cos its a pile of crap and the g+ button is nowhere to be seen so all I could do was tweet and digg. If that enough for an invite then send one my way.

  2. michael

    the contact form does not work 

    I ceep getting this message no matter how long I wait”Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact administrator by other way.”

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