How to Manage, Delete or Edit Multiple Google+ Page(s)?

Google+ pages was a launched just a day ago. You might have decided to give it a shot and created few pages. As we all know, creating a new google+ page was straight forward, just click on the Create a Google+ page link on the bottom right of the Google+ stream page (refer image).

Create google+ page

Create google+ page

But it was kind of tricky and little harder to figure out how to manage, delete or edit multiple google+ pages. One of the question got asked by some of our readers was “How to delete a google+ page that i don’t need?”

We thought of writing a quick post to cover the topic,

  • Login into your google+ account at
  • Manage pages can be reached in 2 ways
  • Type in the browser or
  • Click on the drop down just below your FirstName on your Google+ stream page and choose Manage Pages option
  • You’ll be taken to Your pages page (refer image below) that reads (Your pages : Shown below is the list of Google+ pages you have either created or have been given access to. You can view the page, edit it, or change its settings.)
  • Click on the Delete button to delete a page
  • Click on Manage button to post or edit google+ page profile, etc..
  • You’ll also find a CREATE button to add any more pages
Manage Google+ pages

Manage Google+ pages

Hope this post helps people who find it harder to manage pages in Google+. Please feel free to post questions (if any) through comments section below.


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  1. Ricirich91

    really thanks! really THANKS! I’m not english, so i had some issues to find my page to edit. It was hard cause i tried typing “…/pages/edit lol what a fail. Thank

  2. Guest

    How can I make another user admin for my page? Right now only I can edit the page using my personal account but my colleagues also need access!


  3. Guest

    How can I make another user admin for my page? Right now only I can edit the page using my personal account but my colleagues also need access!


  4. Free Wallpapers

    Thank for sharing , Is there any way to remove multiple pages from google , not whole site or directory , Multiple random pages , In Google Webmaster Tools we can remove pages one by one !

  5. BeingBritishIsAwesome

    Doesn’t work. No matter what I do, if I click on ‘delete page’ it takes me to a page to delete my entire Google account. Looks like another Google privacy scam.

    No biggie. I’ll just leave the pages there. They’re useless and I never visit Google Plus anyway. Neither does hardly anyone else as it’s Google’s ‘gigantic failure’ 🙂

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