Muppets Hanging Out on Google+ Hangouts : A Fun Video to Watch!

Titled Good friends rock out in a Hangout is a short promo clip from Google+ team that explains and promotes Google+ hangouts but in very funny and entertaining way.

Muppets running a Google+ hangout

Muppets Google+ Hangout

Muppets Google+ Hangout

You might have noticed that sometime back chrome browser team released chromercise video, a interesting and unique way of explaining the power and features of Google’s chrome browser.

This muppets video is a Google+ version of the same but this time it’s for one of the most used feature in Google+ i.e hangouts. You’ll find most of the characters from The Muppets movie (from disney) hanging out.

Watch Good Friends Rock Out in a Hangout Video

Enjoy the video!


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  1. Claire

    I would do anything to meet the Muppets , I could even would settle for animal I don’t care if he eats me alive I want to meet a muppet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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