Google+ Has 49 Million Unique Users in US Alone as of December 2011!

One of the buzz word you continuously keep hearing in the social media world is How much users does Google+ have? To know official answer for that question, we still need to wait for the Google’s 4th quarter earnings conference call.

But meanwhile we are getting reports from leading 3rd party sources like comScore and Hitwise. A day ago we shared Google+ enjoys steady growth for last 8 out of 9 weeks. As well as through one of our earlier posts we covered about the rumor of  150 million active users.

Today Hitwise has released another traffic update featuring Google+ statistics. According to a tweet from the company,

Google+ 49 million unique users in U.S

Google+ 49 million unique users in U.S (Courtesy: Hitwise)

Total visits to Google+ in the U.S has reached a all time high of 49 million in December 2011 (Total visits count only unique visits according to traffic statistics)

This is 55% higher compared to November 2011 roughly around 32 million a huge jump month over month.

Please note that this data is for U.S only (since Hitwise collects data only for US and Canada).

Looking at these recent reports, our excitement is growing everyday to know official numbers for total Google+ worldwide users.

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