Google+ Crosses 10 Million Users Under 2 Weeks in Just Field Trial Mode

Google+ achieved it’s first landmark – after being in field trial mode for about two weeks it has crossed the 10 million users.

It is a great start for  a brand new social network that is not even launched for the public. (As of this writing signup to Google+ is only invitation from existing members)

According to 2011 statistics, Two large competing social networks – facebook and twitter has over 700 and 300 million users respectively and that is a huge number.

But the way social networks grow is not like any other service or business, It’ll be quite exponential as the word get’s out.

Let’s say 10 million current google+ users invite just 10 friends or colleagues, it’s going to be 100 million and it’s fairly easy.

Another important fact is, there are already over 200+ million gmail users, if google+ made open for them, they can start immediately.

Just as a closing remark, If a social network can get 10 million users in just 2 weeks that too even before its launch, just think about it’s potential and growth it is going to have in the next couple of years.

Let’s meet when Google+ reaches it’s next landmark  may be at 50 million users, till then enjoy Google+.


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