Google+ Hangouts Now Supports Right-to-Left RTL Languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Persian)

Google+ right from the beginning provided support for RTL (Right-To-Left) languages like arabic, hebrew and persian.

Google+ Hangout adds RTL (Right to Left) language support

However Google+ hangout lacked that RTL support and caused some inconvenience for those G+ users.

The good news is hangouts has now added RTL language (arabic, hebrew and persian) support and ready for use.

Google+ hangout in Hebrew

Google+ hangout in hebrew

Google+ hangout in RTL Hebrew (Courtesy: Google+)

Google+ hangout in Arabic

Google+ hangout in Arabic (RTL)

Google+ hangout in Arabic (RTL) (Courtesy: Google+)

To set your language preference, goto Google+ language settings page and set your preferred languages (refer image below)

Google+ language settings

Google+ language settings

Want to read posts written in a foreign language? There is a nice G+ translation plugin that makes it easy for you. Enjoy!

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